澳学者:美借关税欲遏制中国 各国应反对贸易保护主义丨世界观|综合久久Av

  近日,澳大利亚中国工商业委员会董事会前成员、丝绸之路国际商会澳大利亚代表戴若·顾比(Daryl Guppy)在接受中新网采访时称,美国政府对华电动汽车加征关税意在阻止中国发展和进步,炒作“中国产能过剩论”,也是美国对华整体战略的一部分。


  In an interview with China News Network, Daryl Guppy, former board member of the Australia China Business Council and Australian ACBC delegate at the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, said the new tariffs on EV cars and other products from China imposed by the U.S. government and the hyped-up China’s “overcapacity” is part of an overall American strategy to pull China back, to prevent China's development, and to halt its progress.

  Guppy further noted that many countries are open to exports from China because of their high quality and reasonable cost. “Unfortunately, what we are seeing in a global basis is an increase in trade protection barriers,” according to Guppy, “it is unfair and unreasonable, because they don't care about overall climate objectives and the fact that Chinese EVs are better.”

  “We have to be able to stand up to these protectionist policies which are increasingly being adopted by Western countries,” Guppy concluded.

  当时印度份额前五的低价手机中,除三星外,其余品牌均来自中国。巧合的是,沉寂多年的印度本土品牌恰在此时卷土重来。2021年11月,Micromax推出新品牌“In Mobiles”,Lava也推出了可定制的智能手机系列“MyZ”,Karbonn Mobiles也开始推出智能手机。   23岁的杜伟林也有自己做生意的想法。他告诉《财经》记者,相比于考公考编,其实自己创业做生意的念头更加强烈,如果接下来考事业编失败,自己会考虑做一些生意。

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